mardi 26 janvier 2010

Brewing self-esteem

"Mankind is at its best when it is most free" - Dante Alighieri

Since the dawn of humanity man has always thriven for liberty. Battles have been fought and many lives sacrificed in the name of dignity for the right to free will. Considerable gains have been achieved on several levels, politically, legally and socially, which together built the foundations of the world as we know it today. One should not though lower his guards as modern ages sometimes hide insidious surprises. There's something more vile than security threats, more dangerous than religious fundamentalism or political ideology. It's something man inflicts alone upon himself, most of the time without the slightest self-consciousness. The biggest enemy of liberty are the decisions we take ourselves to impoverish it! That is exactly what you'll expose yourself to by acquiring such an object as a coffee pod machine.

Will you fit the pattern?

On behalf of simplicity and effortlessness, you will engage on a path of socialism grade diversity and bow to industrial quality. Pods are all manufactured with strict specifications into a limited range of flavors and formats. Machines standardize results by taking entire control of the brewing process. Into this world, there's not much left for taste variations or freedom of choice. Liberty has therefore vanished, conquered by facility.

Before the endless possibilities offered by so many coffee varietals and preparations, one can choose to explore and marvel or resign by pressing a single button.

Your take.

2 commentaires:

  1. Tout à coup, une crainte: est-ce que le "drive" s'approche trop dangereusement du "coffe pod machine"?

  2. Rassure-toi! Le driver est un outil certes pratique mais qui laisse le champ libre à la variété et au dosage. On peut toujours jouer avec la mouture, la provenance du grain et la quantité d'eau ou de café que l'on utilise, contrairement aux pods. Notre combat prône la liberté sans pour autant aller à l'encontre de la simplicité.
